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Set up in September 2009, Aotearoa Buddhist Education Trust is a registered charity that supports teachers, communities and causes that bring together practices such as insight meditation and reflective meditation with a secular approach to the dharma.

The trust currently supports

One Mindful Breath – onemindfulbreath.org.nz
ABET provides governance support and financial oversight for One Mindful Breath, Wellington’s secular dharma practice for community.

The Tuwhiri Project – tuwhiri.nz
Producing educational resources for secular Buddhists with the aim of helping people find meaning in a difficult world, The Tuwhiri Project was set up in 2018. Wanting to ensure that future editorial board members wouldn’t be asked to buy into Tuwhiri, the founders asked ABET trustees if we would be happy for the Trust to own the company.


Dedicated to making the Buddha’s teachings accessible and relevant in today’s Aotearoa New Zealand, the Trustees are Alex Carr and Steve Barnett. Peter Cowley is our part-time administrator.

Annual meeting

The annual meeting of trustees takes place in February each year. For a copy of our most recent report and accounts, send us an email.

The generosity of others

Our capacity as a community depends upon the generosity of that community – the people who benefit from what these teachings have brought into their lives.

People who teach secular dharma do not charge a fee when they teach; their efforts are appreciated and supported by donations. In this way, we are reminded that the generosity of others allows a teacher to sit before us, and that our generosity will enable these people to continue sharing their wisdom, and that of Gotama, the historical Buddha.

Described sometimes as ‘paying forward’, we invite you to participate in the ancient and rich tradition of dana. We ask that you offer what is in your hearts to give, perhaps by setting up a regular automatic payment into the ABET General Fund.

Different ways to give dana

By internet banking

Making an online transfer via internet banking into the Aotearoa Buddhist Education Trust KiwiBank account is simple. You can also make a donation in person in a Kiwibank branch. Separate accounts have been set up to support each teacher or cause.

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38-9019-0064662-00      The ABET General Fund

38-9019-0064662-03      One Mindful Breath

38-9019-0064662-07      The Tuwhiri Project

If you would like to make a donation to a specific teacher, please send us an email and we can arrange this.

Donating regularly with an automatic payment

Set up an automatic payment from your bank account using online banking. Receipts are sent out once a year. When we have your email address, you will receive a receipt for the total amount you’ve given annually.

Leaving a bequest

After providing for your whānau, family and friends, you may choose to support Aotearoa Buddhist Education Trust with a gift in your will. This gift can take the form of the residue of the estate, a percentage of the estate, a specific amount of money, a life insurance or superannuation policy, or property such as your home, works of art, jewellery or shares.

Suggested bequest wording

I give (a specified share of the residue/or the sum of $_______/or a specified bequest) to the Aotearoa Buddhist Education Trust for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of a trustee or appointed officer of the nominated beneficiary shall be a full and sufficient discharge for the said legacy.

I further declare that at the date of my death or the date of distribution of my estate, any charity named in my will that does not exist or has amalgamated with another charity or has changed its name, such legacy or residuary gift shall not fail but my trustees shall pay it to the charitable organisation which they consider most nearly fulfils the objects I intended to benefit.

Need more information?

Leaving a gift in your will is a big decision and we appreciate you’ll want to take your time to think it through first and share your thoughts with your family. Everyone is different, and so are their circumstances, so it’s important that the gift you leave is right for you.

If you would like to discuss your options further or if you wish to consider making a bequest during your lifetime, please do not hesitate to send us an email or phone or text +64 (0)22 610 2910, or us send a message through the Contact form.

Legal stuff

Aotearoa Buddhist Education Trust is incorporated under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957 number 2275853, has the IRD number 102-752-619 and is registered under the Charities Act 2005 as charitable entity number CC40378, which means it is approved as a legal charity under the following revenue acts:

• Section CB 4(1)C, Income Tax Act 1994
• Section 73(1) Estate and Gift Duties Act 1968